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Enlightenment teachings often present themselves as Supreme, often promise the whole enchilada, and assert themselves as the ultimate teachings in human development and achievement. In origin stories, ‘Enlightenment’ is often tagged as a catch-all term for ‘Happily ever after’ or ‘Then all of life was mastered.’ The teachings themselves often employ frames for the world & body as a dream, something to overcome, etc. These frames may, at times, be very useful tools to facilitate realizations of less and less fabrication - to cut through the noise of the fabrications. But unless balanced with other veins of development, these teachings easily lead to dissociation and other side effects.

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In one-on-one sessions, we are integrating and finding pathways to open up these many different quadrants within us. It happens naturally, organically, as we safely explore whatever is alive for us in any area of our life and connect the threads of how that interweaves with any somatic patterns. In the organic process of exploring and soul-retrieval that happens, entirely new doors open up. The 5-quadrant model of synthesis and integration is built into the work I do. We naturally travel throughout the 5-quadrants in the exploration process. We find new distinctions, heal emotional wounds and patterns, receive insights, work and relationships are invigorated, and new choices arise as we work together. It’s a path of discovery.

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Maybe we feel called to write something like this intention: ‘I fully call in the journey of total integration + wholeness in my life, in all ways. Please reveal the most supportive path forward and the resources. Please guide me to unravel any key patterns or obstacles with utter clarity. Please bring whatever insights, lessons, people, teachings, guides or resources I need for that healing journey, and let the signs be absolutely clear for me so I can follow it.’ on a small piece of paper, put a tealight candle on it, and light it everyday. This is powerful psycho-magic to initiate this process within us. As the old dies in us, new orders emerge. As we embrace and transfigure our core survival wounds, it deepens our roots and, in turn, our branches are able to reach higher.

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