Roger is a awakening + embodiment guide who uses the somatic modality of Ontodelic Inquiry to work deeply with individuals. 17 years ago, inspired by an awakening, he committed himself to a lifelong path of rubber-meets-the-road growth and sharing it with others along the way. Roger has been practicing + facilitating deep journeys and gatherings for over a decade, using various modalities.
In his Ontodelic Inquiry sessions, you start with what’s most alive in your circumstances. There’s a curiosity and interest in together tracing the outer story to the inner life in the body, the somatic patterns underlying them. The transformative power is found in slowing things down and exploring in the catalyzing light of co-regulated presence.
As the deeper body awakens, discoveries and connections are made. Deep feelings and wounds are contacted and worked with. The body reveals its early histories, ancestral pains and gifts, and beyond. In presence-based experiments and inquiries, you explore, heal, regain access to untapped portions of yourself, increase alert intelligence, and experientially practice the power of your witnessing Self.
'Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.’

One-on-one sessions:
Unconscious patterns are automatic and run in different ways:
We may deal with background anxiety that affects our relationships.
We may unconsciously self-sabotage or self-deny.
We may find ourselves overly controlling, and at times domineering.
We may find ourselves always attentive to others in order to feel okay, pleasing and appeasing.
OR we find ourselves armoring up, avoiding support, and hiding our hearts in self-reliance and independence.
These patterns are blocking us from embodying our calling, our destiny, our relationships, our community roles, and our visions.
Once upon a time, these automatic patterns may have helped us…
…but now they are no longer serving us.
Our unconscious is linked with the brain stem and the cerebellum where fight and flight impulses are stored. It is also where we store traumas that we couldn’t process that are linked with the mammalian brain, a.k.a. the emotional or limbic brain. Throughout our childhood, we all took on certain coping and survival strategies to adapt to our upbringing. Those patterns became implicit body memory, just like driving a car or walking or riding a bicycle is no longer something we think about consciously. It’s habitual and automatic. It’s the same with our unconscious. Old patterns formed the early foundation of our psyche and have since been running on automatic for years and decades.
That’s what I am here to support with. In each 60 minute session, I listen and reflect with you in a deeper state of mindful awareness. In this way, we gradually create an emergent dialogue between the prefrontal cortex and the deeper layers of the brain and body. We become curious together in a process of self-discovery and perform little experiments in mindfulness. We use the present pains and puzzles of daily life: relationships, work, health, creativity, spirituality… to make conscious the deep patterns in the body. Energy releases. Memories emerge. Discoveries are made.
This work is based on the understanding that much of our everyday suffering is produced by a lack of awareness of what’s happening within us that plays out as repetitive unconscious patterning from the past that distorts our experience of ourself and the world. The method is designed to bring such patterns into the light of consciousness. As it has been said, “Our biography is not our destiny.”
In presence together,
we heal the past to reveal the future.
Ontodelic Inquiry is a somatic modality that my wife and I developed together.
Unlike cognitive talk therapies, our practice together explores the body-memory and sees the body as a window into our unconscious belief systems. Our work is gentle, experimental, often playful and always helps you see more about yourself. Over a series of 60 minute Zoom sessions, we build lasting skills and self-knowledge, meet long-held unmet needs, open doors that were closed, and catalyze profound shifts.
When you meet these needs, new feelings of…
…peace, ease, love, stability and strength arise.
This process builds a competent skillful relationship with the emotional body, histories, pains, beliefs, and patterns within.
You will find yourself familiarizing and more naturally accessing expansive states of consciousness.
In your daily life and work life, you will have embodied ‘soft skills.’ You will be less fearful to share emotions, more capable of tracking your needs, and more fluent to make requests to get your needs met.
You will become fluent in real-time skillful response to your inner life, emotions, desires, and needs and those of others.
Together, we will practice new skills, new frameworks for relating, and new paradigms of how to live in the world that OPEN doors to intimacy, personal effectiveness, wisdom, courage, compassion, and greater embodiment.
At the heart of it, as you integrate the unconscious in your life, this is the process of stepping into a truer expression of who you’re here to be - your true self.
Ready to embark on the inner discovery work for your next steps in life?
With Roger's presence, in the practice of Ontodelic inquiry, you will access a somatic depth and transformative power not available in talk therapy. There’s a curiosity, care, and interest in what’s alive for you, your current process and the subtle + large movements of your life and soul. Together, we will harness the past for a new future.
What brought you here? What are you seeking or hoping for? Talk to me about it. I'd love to understand where you're coming from. This is a free 30 minute call for us to feel if it’s a good fit.
One-on-one sessions bring awareness to core beliefs and life patterns that no longer serve you. Together, we will open the door to new ways of the heart, self-discovery, and new ways of living.
“Roger is a master tracker - among the finest of minds. Yet he’s soft. There’s a patient heart to this man that naturally opens the paths of insight within me. Bountiful kudos are owed to him for facilitating a process that is as disarming and gentle as it is incisive, deep, and clear. With the loving attention characteristic of a session with Roger, I’ve tenderly but powerfully acquainted myself with some of the disorganized memories and sensations that underlie my pain… finding golden nuggets of healing, connection, and revelation along the way. Working with Roger is mightily transformative. This is a substantial offering from a substantial human.”
“ Using a combination of deep listening and unparalleled intuition, Roger has an amazing ability to create a container where you can learn to heed the call of your own inner guidance. Through his skilled capacity for presence, in my work with Roger, I was able to truly be with what was alive for me in the moment.
Many teachers and guides will try to show you how to find the mountaintop. Rare is the guide who helps you to discover the ways you’re already there. This is Roger: a spiritual cheerleader, offering loving support and gentle guidance for those who wish to embrace their own innate power and wisdom.”

Awakening +
Embodiment Lab