


“The willingness to see through each other’s eyes will
transform corrupt communication into ministering grace.”
~ Elder Zwick


9 months in the making, this is the official release of a 5-chapter article I wrote.

Now we're in a time with a good many global crises and a lot of corporate greed that keeps us moving in lobbied directions. It's asking each of us for earnestness, a willingness to research, and good conscience.

I put alot of time, care, and attention into this article. This is a respectfully curated deep dive with high-quality sources... into contentious but vital topics.


It's for ANYONE who is interested in exploring and evolving their truths, regardless of which so-called ‘side’ of the debates you are on. Let me be clear. By the word ‘truth,’ I mean the spirit of being open REGARDLESS of what previous ideas we hold BUT ALSO testing out and challenging new information. Not just taking new views on easily.

That goes as well for all the views offered in this article, which I myself spent all these months testing, vetting, cross-referencing resources to test them, and deepening with - so as to continue to mature my understanding, which continues to evolve. So I ask you to not take up an opinion too quickly, one way or another - but rather complexify your insight into a topic.

This is a complex world and if we’re all honest, we all have alot to learn - and it’s by being rigorous and honest that we preserve the threads of integrity in this world.


  • 217 carefully curated info-rich links in this article, to provide contours.

  • 89 contextual images

  • 46 videos - many rich + short, a handful of rich longer deep dives

  • 4 feature films

  • 9 massive portals to LEARN A TON: data sets, databases, compilations of studies, PDFs, and real-time analyses.

This isn't an opinionated write-up of my own unbacked personal views. There's alot of noise out there already.

Over 9 months, I put my own opinions aside many times and let go of my presumptions. I was surprised many a time. I cried often. It was difficult at times. I had to put the writing + research + resource-finding aside and come back to it a week or two later. I learned alot writing this article.

I researched multiple views and a great variety of sources. When you look at a similar set of circumstances from enough angles, hundreds of angles, you learn alot and start to notice patterns. That’s what I consider reliable deepening that happens in research. Instead of simply sharing the views I came to in my research, I link again and again to sources and resources, which is the real meat of this article.

This article wasn’t written in a traditional way with the intention to simply be read from top to bottom, without clicking on videos and links. Please consider making an approach to this article that involves, as you read, clicking on the in-line videos and links. Watch and visit links as you go!

In the same way I researched, my sources reflect a variety of angles. I aimed for high quality and information-rich across the board. John’s Hopkins database, Ed Dowd - Ex-Black Rock, Lancet, Harvard studies, the most published practicing critical care physician in the world, British Medical Journal, Washington Post, Morning Sandiego, ex-Pfizer VP, and more. I link back to data sets and studies often - and have personally dug into those sources.


I spent the time to HONOR your intelligence, so that’s why most every assertion is backed up with one and often more different links, videos, and data sets for you to explore.

This article is coming from my love and faith that when people are respected with robust intelligent offerings - it opens them to explore and discover for themselves.

To seeing that frees,

Roger Vanoro


A little known and notable fact: Only 5 mega-monopolies control unheard of portions of the world's assets. Trillions and trillions of dollars (far beyond their listed trillions) have been consolidated in a few hands. Black Rock, State Street, Vanguard Group, and Baillie Gifford and Company own and control huge percentages of the planet's media, banks, energy, tech, and a variety of other diverse critical systems. They control nearly all mainstream media in the U.S. and many other countries. There has been a reason we’ve created federal anti-trust laws (the Sherman Antitrust Act, the Federal Trade Commission Act, and the Clayton Antitrust Act) but these corporations are international and cross the borders of nation states.

It doesn't matter what side of the proverbial 'fence' the mainstream news are on: with very few exceptions, they're majority-owned by the big five. A nation's news has been called the immune system of that country. It is the vital defense against injustices. These same mega-monopolies are the largest stakeholders of J&J, Pfizer, and Moderna. Do you think there might be conflicts of interest with mega-monopolies owning media, big pharma, big oil, big tech, big banks and huge portions of the global powers? Overseeing something like 21 Trillion worth of assets through their software Aladdin, more than the entire yearly GDP of major countries, Blackrock has been called a 'shadow government' or a 'shadow bank.'



The first three companies listed above hold $46 billion in debt and equity in companies CURRENTLY destroying the Amazon rainforest: companies linked to conflicts on Indigenous lands, illegal deforestation, land grabbing, the weakening of environmental protections. It turns out Blackrock has been brought on by the government to manage national bailouts of the very banks THEY OWN during COVID and the 2008 housing crisis. Around 2008, the founder of BlackRock Larry Fink popularized the mortgage-backed security that then collapsed the economy and then he managed the bail-out finances for his own banks. Conflict of interest again, anyone? Robbing from Peter AND Paul, then pay yourself again and again. That's how it works at Blackrock. Who pulled Larry Fink in these 2 times to bail us out?... his buddies at the Federal Reserve. He also is a Board of Trustee of the World Economic Forum (WEF).

A little coffee to smell in the morning around these mega-monopolies:

  • Largest stakeholders of...

  • The major tech companies like Twitter, Facebook (who owns instagram and Whatsapp), Alphabet (who owns Google, biggest investor in Android and Youtube), Apple, Microsoft, Sony, Phillips,  AT&T

  • The world's biggest solar panel companies.

  • The world's biggest oil refineries (Shell, Exxon, bp, Chevron, Valero)

  • The big pharmaceutical companies (J & J, Moderna, Pfizer, Merck)

  • The big banks (JP Morgan + Chase, Bank of America, Goldman Sachs, etc.)

  • Even State Street (one of the mega-monopolies) has the primary shareholders of Black Rock + Vanguard. They ARE eachother. They are all in bed together.

With this centralized consolidation of power even amongst the big 5, who owns the big 5?



Now for the news. These mainstream news outlets are all in the same basket: CNN, MSNBC, NBC Universal, ABC, Disney, CBS, FOXcorp, NEWScorp, Facebook, etc. Those are the big boys who own dozens of news divisions and subsidiaries each. The largest shareholders who advise their policies are the same mega-monopolies listed above. Yes, they do advise their policies. The conflict of interest is clear. Compared to historic monopolies, these mega-monopolies are a whole different order of conflict-of-interest and consolidation of power, yet it’s largely hidden from the public.

Should you tacitly trust what the mainstream media say about big pharma (the sickcare system as detailed in many films including Sicko), about big tech (including mass surveillance and data collection), big oil, big banks and their bailouts, and about ANY global affairs when their owning mega-corp has a huge stake in the very same outcomes? This scale and scope of conflict of interest is a real problem.

Watch this clip below and see how portions of the top-down media works. For those who know about the Sinclair Broadcast Group (compiled in this clip), it’s notable to know that the largest majority shareholder is (you guessed it) Vanguard group, followed by State street and Black Rock.


In the words of Thomas Jefferson,

"Our liberty depends on the freedom of the press, and that cannot be limited without being lost."
"The only security of all is a free press."
"If I have to choose between government and a free press, I would choose a free press." 

This section is a brief exploration into the degree to which the freedom of mainstream press is NOW and HAS BEEN highly consolidated by mega-controlling interests. This could be explored and elucidated alot further - and that may be for your own research. Further in the article, I explore big Pharma’s tv ad spend as another component of this. As Jefferson outlined, when the press is compromised, that is a tell-tale sign that a FUNDAMENTAL safeguard of our liberty is being lost.

Canada's use of the Emergency Act to freeze more than 206 protester's bank accounts and nearly 8 million dollars is an alarm bell, sets a dangerous precedent.This is all a lot closer to home than Americans may like. When we can’t take a national stand for patriots (as defined by the founding fathers) like Edward Snowden or Julian Assange, that’s another symptom of the compromised times. But we all know that.

Below, you can watch a portion of this video, and take a few minutes to do for yourself this short but illuminating exercise where you can use Yahoo Finance to look up for your own factual verification the major shareholders of any company you like, from MSNBC to FOX to Facebook to other major media outlets to endless global companies.

It's a simple exercise you can use to see who the major shareholders are of ANY company you are curious about. Do you want to know who is majority-owned by BlackRock, State Street, Vanguard Group, etc?

Is the mainstream media majority-owned by consolidated controlling interests? Don’t just take anyone’s word for it. Throughout this article, I will continue to encourage your own skills to inquire deeper into sources as that is the only way we will navigate these complex times in the ‘information' age.’







Simplicity is a great virtue.
But oversimplification can actually be a vice,
a sign of laziness.

~ N. T. Wright

Research is formalized curiosity.
It is poking and prying,
with a purpose.

~ Zora Neale Hurston

Before we continue with current events, I want to make a brief point about history and about complexity of topics. In today’s culture, the left-right media uses reactionary trigger topics and language that morally convey to their audiences which side of a debate to react to: good and evil, BLM and racists, pro-life and pro-choice, vaxxers and anti-vaxxers. The media from the left and the media from the right (owned by the exact same controlling interests) wage war and waste our energy and focus.

It’s very similar to how international bankers funded Hitler AS WELL AS the surrounded countries, funding and enabling a World War whilst saddling all the countries in debt and financially benefitting. A wicked scheme.

While outrage politics occupies everyone in the culture wars, the underbelly of the culture is a corporate monopoly that goes unquestioned. We lose our eye on the ball, and get lost in surface politics. In order to get out of this binary politics, we need MORE complexity, not less. We need MORE in-depth conversations to understand the truth vs. arguments to win our political bias. We need to open our minds to a MUCH more in-depth exploration of TRUTH outside of our narrow political assumptions.

I have been referencing Thomas Jefferson in this piece with his vital understanding of the press’s role in national health and freedom. Jefferson was publicly a consistent opponent of slavery, calling it "a moral depravity" and "a hideous blot" and proposing multiple ordinances and laws to ban slavery. Yet this was a blatant hypocrisy. At the age of 21 he had inherited 175 slaves from his father and father-in-law. Throughout the course of his life, he enslaved over 600 people, profiting from them, calling them 'capital.' He freed a select few, and DNA has proven he had children with one of the slaves. He was a very flawed individual and his owning + abuse of enslaved human beings was historically inexcusable. He participated in a horrific brutal inhumane history! He spent the last 40 years of his life, in part, trying to educate the public about the sacredness of Native American culture. He saw many of the demons of this country in himself and the nation's people. All these facts co-exist in a complex picture.


Why do I mention this? History has alot to teach us.

Those of us born in the U.S. today, like Jefferson, have ALSO inherited our own demons and hypocrisies. The high-priced oil in our gas tanks has drops of Nigerian blood in it. Dirty coal is lighting our homes.  We are all participating in a vast ecosystem of injustices, and WE TOO, each one of us, does our small but important part of the puzzle to make moves, raise our voices, change our actions, and make our choices.

Oftentimes we prefer to see the political sphere in simple binaries: good and evil, left or right, whatever...I call this 'low pixel' contours or 'Super Mario Bros' detail. The truth of history is never this way. As mature adults, we need high resolution pictures in order to make effective decisions. In order to do that, we need to ask ever-deeper, more complex questions and discover messy 555+-shades-of-gray answers. Podcasts are helping with this: real long-form discussions. And articles like this one, which offers links to feature films, massive data sets, studies, videos, etc. This is the opposite of sound-bite news and outrage politics. It helps us to think, chew on, and look deeply into something. We need to ween off our corporate news.

Before we act, it’s important to go deeply into a topic and be open to learning more, finding an ever-greater pixelated understanding of the millions of shades of grey in the socio-political and other quadrants of life.


To see deeper into a recent financial deception, I also recommend if you have a little journalistic savvy to rent the 2015 film "The Big Short" (Pitt, Gosling, Bale - trailer below) on the 2008 housing crisis and then research Larry Fink, CEO of BlackRock's role in that. There’s so much to realize there. In short, as mentioned briefly above, he popularized the mortgage-backed securities, the market crashes, and then he made a killing off it, being called in by the Federal Reserve to bail out the very same banks BlackRock is majority shareholder of. This is how a massive robbery is committed against you and I, the American public.

Remember, no one went to jail for the crimes of that crisis. Many of us don't realize the scale of this kind of crime. There's a valid rule of thumb: for every 1% rise in unemployment, you're looking at a collateral of 40,000 U.S. deaths. Remind me why no one went to jail for the 2008 crimes? And this barely touches on the depth and scope of the centralized banking systems (around the globe) crimes against humanity.




And if you ask, How can no one be speaking up or standing out against these massive corruptions and robberies? Have you ever heard of the 1960's social psychology experiment 'Obedience' by Yale University's Stanley Milgram? Milgram wanted to understand how ordinary courteous decent German people could act callously and inhumanely without any limitations of conscience and participate in the massacre of millions of Jewish men, women, and children. In Milgram's first set of experiments, he was shocked by the number of people who would obey the man in the white coat saying "It is absolutely essential that you continue" despite the protests and then screams of the person receiving the shocks (secretly an actor).

65 percent of experiment participants administered the experiment's final massive 450-volt shock (a lethal dose), and all administered shocks of at least 300 volts. This experiment was a window into obedience and a window into the core patterns that we can all learn about + heal deeply through Stephen Kessler’s revelatory book 'Five Personality Patterns': the familial + developmental wounds from childhood that underly our unconscious patterning. It might help explain for you why people aren't speaking up, why we aren't hearing more voices speaking out in the world. Authority, which repeats the subconscious pattern of over-powering parental voices, has been proven to be hypnotizing.

If we don't heal these unconscious inner patterns and traumas, all it takes for 65 percent of us to kill someone is a man in a white coat saying "Please go on" or "Please continue" or "The experiment requires that you continue" or a little rougher and firmer, "You have no other choice; you must go on."






The criminal element now calculates
that crime really does pay.

~ Ronald Reagan


To set the stage, I ask that you watch this brief trailer for a film that the Village Voice called “‘An Inconvenient Truth’ for the healthcare debate.” It helps to highlight and give context for the scope of a deeply entrenched and undeniable regulatory capture of what we currently call ‘healthcare.’


So I was painting a picture in the previous sections that leads us up to the current events of the last couple years: COVID, lockdowns, vaccines, and a world of new policies. I have been feeling the vital importance of sharing my voice in a lucid way with well-researched resources.

Late October 2021, My fiancé Antonia and I as well as our close friends Azura and Delia all came down with COVID. Two weeks prior, we acquired all the ingredients for the I-CARE protocol, a protocol researched and designed by the FLCCC and two of the world’s leading critical care doctors, Pierre Kory and Paul E. Marik. Dr. Marik is the most published practicing critical care physician in the world, and his work with sepsis has transformed the care of patients around the world.


We received our Ivermectin in a package from India. Yeah we got Ivermectin according to the I-Care Protocol. 2.1 billion people are now covered with Ivermectin protocols and it's currently (at the point of writing this) in official adoption by 27% of the world's population. (sources and references included).

Most people in the U.S. are sheltered by the propaganda news from ANY alternative solutions to the ones big Pharma serves up. You don’t hear about the high effectiveness of Nigella Sativa (a black cumin seed oil), Quercetin, Vitamin A, Melatonin, or the 10 studies with half a million patients studying the role of diet in addressing COVID. Why is the media almost entirely absent on the high levels of effectiveness of all these inexpensive available treatments?

How much money is there for pharmaceutical companies in vitamins, black cumin seed oil, diet, and a dirt cheap anti-parasite medication? This is a perfect example of what we were laying out in Chapter 1, where our current mainstream news has a conflict of interest paradigm that creates a media blackout.


I appreciate deeply this resource above. The website actually extends into many quadrants of research including Ivermectin adoption maps and more. Look around a bit. The front page is a real-time analysis of, at the time of writing this, 1,887 studies on early treatment options, approved in 72 countries. It will continue to grow by the day. This is a living resource. Early treatment (taking a protocol within hours of symptoms) is highly effective (!) and it’s egregious that this isn’t being clarified and shared globally.

The massive adoption of Ivermectin globally in countries like Argentina, Germany, Brazil, Japan, Mexico, Portugal, South Africa, Egypt, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, India, Lebanon, Bangladesh, Boliva, Bulgaria, Peru, and Cambodia has given a lot of opportunities for major studies and significant data pools. Results are very robust and hard to argue with despite our country's pharma-fed media being in denial: (at the time of writing this) 88 studies, 922 scientists, 132,948 patients in 27 countries.

Again, this link for Ivermectin is also a real-time meta-analysis and will constantly evolve as more studies come in. This massive data set dwarfs the tiny pharma-backed studies for the vaccines, but you won’t be hearing about these alternatives blasted on the news loudspeakers.

Our Ivermectin took 3 weeks to arrive. We purchased a nebulizer on Amazon (2 days to arrive - more info below on this therapy), and went to the local co-op grocery + Walgreens for the rest of the protocol: Quercetin, Nigella Sativa, Zinc, etc.



So why did I get all that? I knew I wanted to be prepared. When I was researching, COVID reminded me of Lyme in the way it attacks many different systems in the body, including the brain.

I had long-haul Lyme from 2017-8.

Deer ticks are common in the Northeast, and sometimes they bite people without them even seeing it. One summer day in 2017, I woke up and my jaw wouldn't move. Getting food in my mouth became a massive ordeal overnight. The day after my blood test came back Lyme positive, I was devastated, and then began throwing the proverbial kitchen sink of modalities at the issue.

The doxycycline didn’t work for me. And it was a lesson on so many levels. Covid is similar to Lyme as well in the fact that there are long-haulers dealing with chronic symptoms.

After 1.5 years addressing chronic Lyme disease with joints burning and locking up (jaw, shoulders, knees), I healed my Lyme. For the past 4 years, I have been symptom-free.


My one and a half year experience healing from chronic Lyme disease gave me firsthand experience with critical illness in the modern healthcare system. It set two precedents. I learned very viscerally that modern medicine is OFTEN egregiously blind and neglectful to offer any alternative treatments that aren’t money makers approved by big pharma. I appreciate many of the gifts of modern medicine but there is a financial corruption deep within the modern medical industry, and not just nationally (in the US).

My primary care physician was and ideal place to support in diagnosis, yet when it came to treatment, they only had one option: antibiotics… Only one option? The dominant narrative I was told at my primary care physician was that 5 weeks of Doxcycline would irrefutably get rid of my Lyme (antibiotics are still the only official narrative). Spoiler: it didn't work and it's well proven that this ignorantly sparse protocol doesn't work for vast numbers of people. How can they still be so ignorant of a disease when 476,000 Americans are diagnosed and treated for Lyme disease EVERY YEAR?

The second thing I learned is that the CDC also was completely sleeping on the job of public health when it came to Lyme disease! (unless there’s big money involved) At the time, they denied on their website that chronic Lyme disease existed AT ALL despite it being an obvious fact for a large number of people for the past 30+ years. Even now, with 476,000 people contracting Lyme every year, the CDC website in collaboration with the NIH is horrifically vacant of any mention of a single chronic Lyme treatment protocol or study or support. Look for yourself in the circled text in the image below or the link. This itself is a blatant demonstration of their neglectful disconnection with one of the biggest chronic illnesses sweeping many U.S. states for decades.

So without the help of the modern healthcare monolith, I went on my healing journey working with the best of what I could find (my full journey is shared in that FB link.) Because the big-pharma-controlled U.S. sickcare industry is largely absent for 476,000 people a year, I too had to conduct my own experiment. How many people are on the Lyme belt area quietly struggling with some form of chronic Lyme disease? Too many!

I researched and found the best practitioners in the Tristate area. After antibiotics, I tried all sorts of things: 4x a day customized herbal protocols, weekly ozone injections, weekly rife machine, daily bee venom injections into my spine (for a short time, it was horribly painful and didn't help),  working with my emotions (powerful), listening to my body's intuitions (clutch), and much more... I learned a lot about the complexity of the body, disease, and healing.

My success with Lyme then inspired dozens of people suffering chronic Lyme in the community of Western Massachusetts to also work with a peptide-rich tree-frog medicine called Kambo, and be relieved of chronic Lyme.

To be honest, my experience with Lyme shows me that modern westernized healthcare is not scratching beneath the surface of their allopathic skillsets. They generally work prescriptively with symptoms, not causes - and… now it’s time to truly anchor why….. There's money behind this sick-care industry!


Big money!

Check out these additional trailers for Money-Driven Medicine and Sicko. It’s important to really feel and understand the scope of the current state of ‘healthcare’ before we proceed. We all can use a deeply visceral reminder of the rotten-to-the-core lobbying that underpins and has long undermined our medical monolith. Despite the many very real gifts that modern medicine offers, there is a dangerous corporate corruption underlying policies - and this is UNDERLINED and proven by many feature films.

It’s essential to get this context before proceeding further into this article.

Now, like I said, I have been symptom-free for 4 years. Lesson learned: I tried what mainstream medical science had to offer (doxycycline), thank you very much. It didn't work for me and my health was at stake. It's a game of roulette. The U.S. ranks last on healthcare outcomes against the other 10 high income countries.

So I say: Always be open to learning more, and maybe don't put all your eggs in one mainstream basket when it comes to your life and the lives of your loved ones. There’s greed in this system, and it runs to the core. Follow the money because that’s where the politics and the news travel. So why would we unquestioningly believe in the vaccine narrative without a huge dose of healthy skepticism when they are set to be the most lucrative pharmaceutical products ever?



So when I found out that there are 39+ ALTERNATIVE Covid treatments (some with very significant bodies of research behind them) and 655 other treatments reported as potentially beneficial, I'm not surprised! I am not surprised! It's been media blackout on these effective alternatives. For those who read studies, this kind of source with massive real-time compilations of published studies is a whole different order of robustness than a news article, and I am proud to have found it.

With so many different promising alternative treatments to the vaccine, why don't we hardly hear anything positive about any of them in the U.S. mainstream news? Is it all quack science and studies? Are entire countries quack countries giving quack data? Is the U.S. the only major reliable news source?

We live in a little propaganda-fed bubble here. Here's in the U.S. in 2020 TV ad spending of the pharma industry accounted for 75 percent of the total ad spend. This doesn’t even account for the narrative influence of the mega-monopolies who own both. Pfizer alone bagged 37bn last year from the vaccine, the most lucrative medicine in any given year in history.

Take a moment to really let that sink in. And they expect another 32 billion in 2022. Did you know that it was tax-payer money used to fund vaccine development for Moderna and Pfizer (German taxpayer funding)? Did you know, depending on the vaccine, they are marking up the price at anywhere from 5x to 13x to 50x from its costs? They're taking your money to develop it in order to THEN... take your money again at unjustifiable prices to give it to you, and if there’s any complications, they can’t be held responsible.

Complications have been happening on scale, but I will share more on that later. If you think that the vaccine is being touted by the media and these 'corporate fat-cats' and 'pharmaceutical monopolies' as the singular valid option (and the alternatives suppressed) because they CARE ABOUT YOU... then you might want to think again. The CEO of Pfizer has suggested potential future prices of as much as $175 per dose ―148 times more than the potential cost of production. When it comes to alternative treatment options, do you think the big pharmaceuticals want you to know about alternatives (even if they perform significantly better than the vaccine) when, for most of the alternatives, they're not something that can be monetized on scale?




Since the beginning, I have refused to participate in the outrage politics of the vaccinated vs. vaccine-free debate. It was an all-out war that split up families (many who I know and care about). The WHO and CDC were irresponsibly taking sides, saying natural immunity was unreliable and ineffective...despite.... despite...despite it being "WELL ESTABLISHED that for single stranded RNA viruses such as influenza, natural immunity after recovery from infection provides better protection than vaccination."


Well, in the first year and beyond, policy-makers and the CDC and the WHO went out on a limb and took a strange unconventional stand on COVID natural immunity.

As the Washington post details in their well-backed article titled, 'Natural immunity to Covid is powerful. Policy Makers seem afraid to say so: People making decisions about their health deserve honesty from their leaders." In that article, Makary writes, "Unfortunately, many elected leaders and public health officials have held on far too long to the hypothesis that natural immunity offers unreliable protection."

Conveniently for big pharma, the truth about COVID natural immunity was hidden from the public until mid to late 2021, although it was already being shown clearly in studies. Public health officials could have seen the signal in early studies pre-vaccine-rollout and shift policy towards the OBVIOUS stance since, like I shared above, history with natural immunity around single strand RNA viruses was already well-established and set clear precedents. But (of course) the news didn’t come out til the whole world paid top dollar for big pharma's vaccines.

With the studies and links below, it's time to look towards repairing burnt bridges between family and friends who disagreed on this topic. The CDC and their misinformation is officially being debunked by science, as the Washington post shows with their resource-rich article citing more than 15 studies including a 700,000-person study from Israel that "found that those who had experienced prior infections were 27 times less likely to get a second symptomatic covid infection than those who were vaccinated." Again links to the studies are all included. A June 2021 Cleveland Clinic study concluded "Individuals who have had SARS-CoV-2 infection are unlikely to benefit from covid-19 vaccination.” In May 2021, a Washington University study found that even a mild covid infection resulted in long-lasting immunity. "Studies have shown that reinfections are rare and often asymptomatic or mild when they do occur."

Vaccinating children is, and always has been madness considering the consistent clear data even from the beginning for their age group - but public health officials went out on a similar limb again, at the risk of harming children. Now, with natural immunity credentialed on scale, it's a policy change that needs to happen. The article writes, "The current [CDC] position about vaccinating children also dismisses the benefits of natural immunity. The Los Angeles County School District recently mandated vaccines for students ages 12 and up who want to learn in person. But young people are less likely to suffer severe or long-lasting symptoms from Covid-19 than adults, and have experienced rare heart complications from the vaccines." Just take that in for a second…

The Post concludes, "The incorrect hypothesis that natural immunity is unreliable has resulted in the loss of thousands of American lives, avoidable vaccine complications, and damaged the credibility of public health officials."

The problem with this whole COVID-era censorship campaign against 'misinformation' is that big tech, the Biden administration, and public health sectors were collaborating in censoring individuals + groups + social media accounts who explore alternative narratives, meanwhile the CDC and WHO have egregiously and consistently misinformed people over the course of the pandemic. They don't have the moral authority to be censoring alternative narratives. As the Post says, "Downplaying the power of natural immunity has had deadly consequences." Meanwhile, the #naturalimmunity hashtag gets censored on Instagram and people are being censored for what turns out to be truth!

Now, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have changed their tune on their official website. Look for yourself. You are considered to have 'natural immunity' if you actually had COVID-19 and the World Health Organization's scientific brief in May of 2021 says "Within 4 weeks following infection, 90-99% of individuals infected with the SARS-CoV-2 virus develop detectable neutralizing antibodies...[that] remain robust and protective against reinfection for at least 6-8 months after infection." And in the brief, they admittedly only limit it currently at 8 months because that's the extent of the longest study they reference back then.


And again, we're in our own little propaganda bubble. What about the rest of the world? Throughout the European Union, in the countries with some of the best-rated healthcare in the world, 37 countries FULLY accept a proof of positive COVID result (natural immunity) as a 'vaccine passport.' Read it for yourself. Israel too with their Green Pass, which has been made irrelevant actually, because who needs a pass when natural immunity is and has been obviously a thing. The question we should all be asking is: how did we buy into the propaganda so easily? How can we ‘trust the science’ so easily when the books were cooked? Who are we so easily giving our power to, and are they worthy of trusting your health and your precious family’s lives with?

The studies and facts continue to come out around the efficacy of natural immunity. Jan 19 this year, the CDC themselves published a major study from California and NY data (major centers of infection) showing that natural immunity was 6x stronger during the Delta wave than vaccination. The WHO and CDC changed their tune and news is pouring in. Just a few examples, Reuters reports too. In this video, a former assistant health secretary elucidates results from new 'natural immunity' studies.

I guess we should have strongly suspected natural immunity to be so effective all along considering the science on single stranded RNA viruses. But has this really been about the science? Is this really about health truly and honestly? Because I know what it is to struggle and care for health. As a single individual, I have much more to offer (after facing my trials with chronic disease) than the entire CDC website when it comes to Lyme disease. And how am i supposed to believe they are an authority on health?


In this video clip from bipartisan Rising morning show, they report on Pfizer's recent 340,000 page document that was forcefully released by a federal judge in April. The FDA advisor wanted to keep the document hidden and release it in 75 years! What does that tell you that they wanted to keep the document hidden for 75 years, like it is the JFK assassination? Because it has EXTREMELY sensitive information about some extremely reprehensible behavior.

It includes bombshells about 'fertility' and 'adverse events being more severe in the younger age group.' On the natural immunity front, it reveals they knew about 'natural immunity' the whole time, and they knew it was 'statistically identical to the vaccine against infection'! Watch the video below to learn more.


So just to be clear, there it is! Now is an opportunity to make repair with loved ones and begin to see a bigger picture around COVID and what creates safety in the community.

And for previously trusted authorities and public health officials who spread misinformation in this anti ’natural immunity’ campaign, it’s time for public apologies.







When you do a Google search or click on the latest fact-checker, the information ecosystem around these contentious topics is obviously muddy, filled with agenda, and complex. I compiled this information to honor and empower your own insight, courage to explore, research and discoveries. The evidence is mounting and evolving by the week, month, and year. I aimed to share as many angles, links, clips, footage, films, studies, and resources as I can. By providing this variety, you can get a sense of a clear diverse signal.


Major public health authorities do not recognize post-COVID-vaccine injuries; and there is no specific ICD classification code for this disease. Despite the signal being loud and clear in VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System) and in all the vast video resources below, no official definition exists. VAERS is a voluntary reporting system that is widely acknowledged, even by the CDC, to be vastly underreported. It has been estimated to account for only 1% (read more about underreporting in VAERS) of vaccine injuries. I encourage you to really take in that URF (under reporting factor) in order to understand the scale and scope of what’s happening. The vast amount of resources below will surely open your eyes as well, and the VAERS database itself, fully explorable through ‘Open VAERS.’


There is a cold unscientific silence and censorship from health authorities and media around this mass post-COVID-vaccine-injury phenomenon. Countless individuals and communities are trying to have their voice heard and finding themselves censored and booted off social media platforms: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook. Eric Clapton is being dragged through the mud by legacy media for detailing his post-vaccination trials and warning others.

Since there are no published reports detailing the management of vaccine-injured patients, the treatment approach of the FLCCC in their I-Recover Protocol is based on the postulated pathogenetic mechanism, clinical observation, and patient anecdotes. They are working on the ICU and societal frontlines to address the vaccine-injury experience of hundreds of thousands. But don’t take my word for it. The VAERS database tallies the numbers, Insurance companies have begun to tally and report the numbers, and the vaccine-injured communities (despite being censored literally by family, society, and kicked off social media) are very real and ever-expanding.

I encourage you to lend a devoted ear to the voices crying out to be heard, and those injured many who are being suppressed in the legacy + social media, banned and accounts deleted. I cried for hours as I watched and compiled these videos (and many more I didn’t include for brevity). In many of these, they call out for ‘We want to be heard,’ or ‘Please let us be heard’ as individuals and groups. Please take the time to watch more than a few of these clips below, so you can take in the very very real situation on the ground here. The tragic and heartbreaking scope and scale of this is hard to appreciate without spending some time with the resources.

I spent months working on this document, finding these suppressed communities, and pulling select clips together to make this very simple for those of you who are reading this. Please lend your ears and heart to the unheard. The damages of the vaccine, as well as the natural immunity data, were provably known by Pfizer (during trials) in their 340,000 page document (shown above) forcibly released by a federal judge.


When we learn about this, we ask, “What is the actual scale of these injuries and deaths… and are they from Covid-19 itself or the vaccine? How would we know? One variable to that question is that we have 1 year of the pandemic pre-vaccine, 2020. This gives us something to contrast 2021 with. The insurance companies have huge databases and a financial incentive to study the alarming rise in death that happened in 2021. They’ve seen a 40% increase of ‘all cause deaths’ in 2021. The Department of Defense military database has some answers for us as well. Watch the video below.


Below you can meet more of the vaccine injured individuals and communities, who have been kicked off social media, censored, ridiculed, ignored, and silenced. It’s important to hear their voices.

On, they collectively say this: "Our government asked us to do our part to stop the virus. We thought we were doing the right thing. Now we are injured, many severely. We are hurting, in pain, and losing our jobs. We are demanding our government do the right thing by acknowledging our injuries, as well as establish compensation for the tens of thousands who have been injured or have died."

We are a completely independent, grass-roots movement comprised of thousands of people who have become united through our human suffering. Everyone keeps telling us how rare we are. Everyone keeps saying the vaccines are safe and effective. Everyone keeps reminding us of how many people got the vaccine and are just fine. However, what "everyone says" does not change our reality or the fact that we still need acknowledgment, support, open discussion, research, and help.

  1.  Our elected officials and federal health agencies must start acknowledging our adverse reactions to the vaccines.

  2. We need the government to establish compensation for the tens of thousands who have been injured or have died.

  3. The medical community needs to be informed of these adverse reactions so that we can obtain better medical care.

  4.  Large scale research needs to be funded - to increase understanding of these reactions, find a path to recovery, and to help make the vaccines safer for everyone. There is currently no safety net for those Americans injured.

  5.  Stop the censorship on social media. Our real life stories are being labeled as misinformation. We are NOT misinformation.

  6.  The public needs to stop labeling and putting us in a box.  We come from all walks of life, and are united in our suffering. Each individual who has been injured has unique and differing viewpoints on all subjects surround the pandemic. These viewpoints have no bearing on the reality that they are vaccine-injured and need help.  They are still fellow human beings who tried to do the right thing, and have been marginalized, abandoned and silenced. 



Although having some flaws, this 68 minute film is a startling and vital document.

Healthy adults are dropping dead all across the globe. In the last 18 months, the term "Died Suddenly" has risen to the very top of "most searched" Google terms.

There is a documented phenomenon where embalmers around the globe are having difficulty embalming their bodies due to massive blood clots made of strong amylase proteins, something lifelong embalmers are only seeing for the first time in their career in the second half of 2021.

There are a significant number of whistleblowers within health care institutions that are coming out to brave journalists and sharing the suppression, neglect on reporting to VAERS, and strange medically unsound practices surrounding the vaccine. Below I include one.

I encourage you to visit this ROBUST link above with 750+ studies ‘about the dangers of the COVID-19 injections’ above, and explore the studies in the PDF. This is the work of thousands of devoted scientists around the world. There are serious implications to this much data, and after exploring that, there is much more available here for you.

As we read, watch, and learn, we are going down the rabbit hole of the materials… and this can lead to a discomfort. It takes time to explore and to sit with difficult material for ourselves. The video below elucidates a deeper lair of the loss of the ‘free press.’

“Those who tell the stories rule society.”

~ Plato

The 6 minute video above covers John D. Rockefeller’s media take-over, modern tactics, the CIA media manipulation, corporate influence, and more.

On any research journey, we are faced with questioning our sources - and alot of times, the best we can do is listen for motives, and gather a diverse signal from many sources. When we Google anything, we are encountering on the first line of defense, our old friends, the BlackRock-owned corporate-fed legacy sources and bought-and-sold fact-checkers.

Regardless of what we adopt as our evolving stances in this vast socio-political landscape, it’s incumbent on each of us in our journey of personal research to sharpen our discernment, learn to explore materials, read studies, find diverse sources, and maturely derive our own apperception of the truths around situations.

I’ve provided a diverse and vast array of sources, a great many of which are credentialed and robust, to support you in getting a discernible view (and mainstream resources to support It such as the John Hopkins database below) that has been hidden largely on media blackout.




Author Ed Dowd made a living being able to see financial trends before the vast majority of his competitors. That's how he was able to take the BlackRock portfolio he managed from $2B to $14B (including bringing in new investment due to the outstanding returns he was getting). He is just as perceptive in identifying the trends associated with the epidemic of sudden deaths and increase in disability that took place in 2021 and 2022.

The book is FULL of QR codes that link to associated data that evidentially supports everything claimed. This is a meticulous body of work.

The book blurb on Amazon reads:

What is killing healthy young Americans?
2020 saw a spike in deaths in America, smaller than you might imagine during a pandemic, some of which could be attributed to COVID and to initial treatment strategies that were not effective. But then, in 2021, the stats people expected went off the rails. The CEO of the OneAmerica insurance company publicly disclosed that during the third and fourth quarters of 2021, death in people of working age (18–64) was 40 percent higher than it was before the pandemic. Significantly, the majority of the deaths were not attributed to COVID.
A 40 percent increase in deaths is literally earth-shaking. Even a 10 percent increase in excess deaths would have been a 1-in-200-year event. But this was 40 percent.
And therein lies a story—a story that starts with obvious questions:

  • What has caused this historic spike in deaths among younger people?

  • What has caused the shift from old people, who are expected to die, to younger people, who are expected to keep living?

It isn’t COVID, of course, because we know that COVID is not a significant cause of death in young people. Various stakeholders opine about what could be causing this epidemic of unexpected sudden deaths, but “CAUSE UNKNOWN” doesn’t opine or speculate. The facts just are, and the math just is.
The book begins with a close look at the actual human reality behind the statistics, and when you see the people who are represented by the dry term Excess Mortality, it’s difficult to accept so many unexpected sudden deaths of young athletes, known to be the healthiest among us. Similarly, when lots of healthy teenagers and young adults die in their sleep without obvious reason, collapse and die on a family outing, or fall down dead while playing sports, that all by itself raises an immediate public health concern. Or at least it used to.
Ask yourself if you recall seeing these kinds of things occurring during your own life—in junior high? In high school? In college? How many times in your life did you hear of a performer dropping dead on stage in mid-performance? Your own life experience and intuition will tell you that what you’re about to see is not normal. 
Or at least it wasn’t normal before 2021.




The following article (with screenshot below) is full of the graphs from ‘Causes Unknown’ showing countries where there were virtually no deaths prevaccine.

The reality displayed on the graphs you’re going to see here is undeniable, cannot be unseen and is available to anyone to RESEARCH FOR THEMSELVES with a couple clicks at the Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center. I went and verified several for myself that the data is accurate - it took roughly a minute. Right here:

Again, I encourage you to take a minute to simply VERIFY THEM for yourself here at the Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center.

Why would so many countries big and small, rich and poor, in different parts of the world, some with congested cities, some sparsely populated, cold weather or hot weather, tropical or desert, high altitude or low altitude, small islands or landlocked — why would they all see increases in COVID-19 deaths after mass vaccination?

The data continues to come in, see below.


James Lyons-Weiler recently showed that the US state data shows that the more we vaccinate, the higher the # of COVID cases. You can see the signal mapped in the graph below. It is further confirmation of the study done at Harvard by Subramanian and Kumar. Included here are also significant findings from Germany, Denmark, the German government, the UK, a 145 country study, and further links.


The Harvard study literally says in the ‘Findings’:

“In fact, the trend line suggests a marginally positive association such that countries with higher percentage of population fully vaccinated have higher COVID-19 cases per 1 million people.”


Perhaps the clear signal of the myocarditis and heart issues so clearly logged in the VAERS database (referred to above in Physicians Weekly) corresponds to another phenomenon, the 1700% increase in athlete deaths, heart failures, cardiac arrest, dropping dead on the field?

The following 6 videos include compilations of literally thousands of athlete’s deaths and heart failures, catalogued in video form with news articles + stories. The following videos are a body of evidence in themselves. The first video documents the study showing the 1700% increase. The next 4 videos after that give you example after example for hours. I went through plenty of these and Googled them myself: names, dates, news sources are included. These are people like you and I who had family who love them, lives they wanted to live for, people whose hearts were torn from their chest when they died. Many lived with serious damage. For a few of them, out of curiosity, I followed them down the rabbit trail to their social media, their grieving relatives, their questions about ‘the vaccine?’ I recommend Googling some of them yourself. It brings this all down into a very real world. A young rugby player dead in County Durham, Champion League footballer who needs heart surgery, exercise influencers hospitalized with myocarditis, ending their social media account after the Pfizer vaccine. These stories are out there. Lives forever altered.

The final video, in the lower right, is a ‘High Wire’ news story that covers the long-standing knowledge that the J + J vaccine has serious issues with blood clotting. They knew this even before it was released. Now, the FDA is limiting use of the blood-clotting vaccine. This ‘High Wire’ story ends showing a commercial from the ‘British Heart Foundation’ where a young athlete falls flat on the field, like so so many you will see in the videos below. Her mother screams from the bleechers and runs out onto the field. The young athlete is now floating up towards a light in a dark void, ascending as if towards heaven. In the human realm, her mother sits beside her hospital bedside. As she ascends towards the light, we see her fingers reach out and we see a glowing heart. A deep voice says, “The future breakthrough that could cure her is closer than ever. With our research, we can keep saving lives like hers. Donate now to turn science fiction into reality.”


The song ‘Silence’ written by Julie Elizabeth (herself one of the vaccine-injured) exposes what’s happening and asks us all to end the silence.

Below, first in the upper-left is an essential viewing 13 minute compilation. The second video is a short video showing the VAERS database numbers by March 4th. And with the URF (Under-reporting factor) generally estimated at around 1%, even by the CDC themselves, that is a massive population with adverse events.
The third video is another 8 minute compilation, to anchor the reality of this.

And the fourth video is another essential viewing, showing the ways the vaccine was marketed to make it appealing to the national and global community - and then where that has led.

Here are a few more links to support the massive body of materials (videos filled with news articles and evidence, communities, studies, analyses, the Open VAERS database, and more) on the circumstances surrounding the vaccine. I have been sharing all of these materials to honor your own intelligence and to honor your ability to travel into these resources and verify things for yourself.

I will let you begin to make deductions of what all of this means for yourself. I highly encourage you visit the Real Not Rare link below, to read some of the stories of the vaccine injured, written by themselves. It helps you to get a sense that there are very real people dealing with real injuries, and this becomes depoliticized (left vs. right) to the degree that our empathy comes online - and if we truly care, as if these were our children or family members, we are then invited with all our life force to get to dive deeper into this very vital conversation and the difficult truths underlying it.


Serious Adverse Events of Special Interest Following mRNA Vaccination in Randomized Trials,
This preprint paper was written by a team of highly credible authors and is now undergoing peer review. It points out that the vaccines carry more risk than benefit. Don’t expect the mainstream media to cover this or ask any questions. That’s not the way it works.

On COVID vaccines: why they cannot work, and irrefutable evidence of their causative role in deaths after vaccination
Dr. Bhakdi has spent his life practicing, teaching and researching medical microbiology and infectious diseases. Dr. Arne Burkhardt is a pathologist who has taught at the Universities of Hamburg, Berne and Tübingen and he headed the Institute of Pathology in Reutlingen for 18 years. In their autopsies, they discovered the most attacked organ was the heart (in all of the people who died), but other organs were attacked as well. This work independently validates the analysis of a German Chief Pathologist Peter Schimacher who showed a minimum of 30% to 40% of the deaths after vaccine were caused by the vaccine. - "Our government asked us to do our part to stop the virus. We thought we were doing the right thing. Now we are injured, many severely. We are hurting, in pain, and losing our jobs. We are demanding our government do the right thing by acknowledging our injuries, as well as establish compensation for the tens of thousands who have been injured or have died."


React19, along with 18 COVID-19 vaccine-injured and bereaved families, representing over 20,000 COVID vaccine injured in the U.S., held meetings in Washington D.C. with over 30 bipartisan senators and representatives to discuss the broken Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP) and Countermeasure Injury Compensation Program (CICP) funds, as well as the need for adequate monitoring of COVID-19 vaccine adverse events with ICD-10 codes.
React19 is a science-based non-profit offering financial, physical, and emotional support for those suffering from longterm Covid-19 vaccine adverse events globally.

Above you can see a couple slides on page 120 from this 199-page PDF ' All you need to know about COVID Vaccine Safety’

This PDF features an estimate of total vaccine adverse events using the number of public record reports from the VAERS database and using a conservative URF (under-reporting factor) gathered from anaphylaxis data as a proxy to be able to conservatively calculate the number of excess deaths caused by COVID vaccines. They also calculate this 8 different ways which is all publicly available data and so we can all, with a little math skills, repeat his open-source methods of calculating here and the data sets. I reviewed his calculations a bit myself. Their repeatable analysis shows that it is likely that over 150,000 Americans have been killed by the current COVID vaccines as of Aug 28, 2021.  In this PDF there are literally hundreds of links to data, charts, studies, news stories, videos and more all inside of it. It’s solid vast compiled resource set with a strong message.

Above you can see page 142 of this 161-page PDF “Vaccine Essentials” which is crammed, every page with images that lead to links and studies.

Then there page 140 and 141 above of this 192-page “180 Questions about the Covid Vaccine that Nobody Wants to Answer” also chockful of images, videos, resources, links, data, studies, etc.

Then above there is page 35 and 36 (links and sources included in the deck) from the 51-page “Vaccine Policies” Slide Deck - more articles, news stories, actual material to confirm again and again a vast array of data surrounding this vaccine.

 “These patients deserve to be heard.” - VAERS whistleblower Deborah Conrad, a hospitalist physician’s assistant on the frontlines of the pandemic, pulls back the curtain on the complete lack and disregard in her hospital for reporting Covid vaccine injury to VAERS, this country’s only mechanism to track the safety of these rushed-to-market, mandated products. In riveting detail, including emails & recorded phone conversations, Conrad exposes the internal push to turn a blind eye to injuries and “tow the company line” that this vaccine is completely safe.

The video above is essential viewing. It’s informative, grounded, and powerful. Click on the image above or HERE to watch this very important ‘Tea Time’ Episode with Paul Marik and Pierre Kory.



Paul Marik is a giant in the field of intensive care and well known internationally. When COVID rolled to our shores and hit New York and Seattle, some prominent doctors went to Paul and said, “Hey you need to come up with a protocol.”

Paul is well-known for his protocols for sepsis. They said, “Get a group of your colleages and put together a protocol to treat this.” And that’s what he did. He created the FLCCC and their initial treatment protocol included corticosteroids and blood-thinners. This was at a time when every international society said ‘There is insufficient evidence’ for corticosteriods and ‘Do not use.’ They thought corticol steriods were harmful.

Pierre Kory gave Senate testimony in May 2020 saying, ‘Corticosteroids are critical. Lives are being lost.” They were widely attacked and criticized for ‘not having an evidence-base to say that on’ despite their massive firsthand evidence.

Their reading on the evidence was that they had to use it. They have since been fully vindicated. In fact, both are now standard of care. These guys, who are giants in their field, have been innovating the standard of care, and this is the context by which what they bring to the table about Ivermectin has to be taken. To be very clear, this is not a set of random doctors or professionals. The FLCCC is a team of the world’s leading clinicians innovating for decades in their field (world experts in sepsis, world expert at steroids and lung disease, treating critical illnesses for decades) and then innovating standards of care for COVID - and that’s the context of who they are and what they have to say.



“These vaccines have never been safe and effective. If you look at deaths reported to Pfizer - this was data that lawyers forced Pfizer and the FDA to release - in the first two months after the rollout of these vaccines, so that is December and January of 2021, Pfizer knows of 1200 deaths directly related to the vaccine. So we knew right out of the gate that these vaccines were not safe. There were unprecedented numbers of people dying. Pfizer had applied and the FDA had approved that this data be hidden for 75 years. So why would you hide data and not want it to come out? These court orders…this is some of the data that has come out. Secondly, in terms of efficacy, the data was manipulated. Pfizer’s own data and Moderna’s data, the efficacy claimed 90% effective. That’s complete nonsense. If you actually go back and recalculate the data it’s roughly 12% effective. So they’ve never been safe and have never been effective. This is a massive lie they have perpetuated. And it is truly astonishing that this continues to this day, because these are not effective. As we know, hundreds of thousands of people have died and the number of adverse events are in the millions. These vaccines are pretty toxic.”

“Data from the National Health System, official data from the UK, show people below the age of 40, if you have been vaccinated you have a negative prediction risk-benefit. So if you have been vaccinated in the UK, you are more likely to get COVID than if you are not vaccinated. This is public health data from the national health system in the UK showing that vaccination increases your risk of getting COVID. It might be worthwhile repeating because it seems so bizarre and counter-intuitive to this narrative. If you are vaccinated, you have an increased risk of getting COVID. This is data from Israel and the UK, showing this phenomenon.”



“There is an emergency, the continued use of these vaccines. They are creating a scale of injury and death that is really indescribable. And if that sounds alarmist to anyone, the data on that statement is coming out. The life insurance data. Numerous life insurance companies are reporting historic rises of deaths amongst working Americans in 2021 - these are the biggest players in the life insurance industry market - there’s publicly available reports now from the Group Health Life insurance industry - their quarterly industry report shows in the second half of 2021, in young people, there are these historic rises in deaths. And that life insurance data is also supported by analysts of VAERS when they look at the actual scale of the deaths reported to VAERS compared to the under-reporting factor (URF) they are also estimating as of last week, given the numbers in VAERS, something of over 500,000 Americans have been associated with death after the vaccine….

Now we are starting to see that in the most highly vaccinated countries, they are faring quite poorly. An analyst compared current data as of today, if you look at Portugal and South Africa, they both have a highly prevalent variant called the B45 Variant which is highly transmissible. South Africa has 35% vaccinated and 5% boosted, whereas in Portugal it’s 90% vaccinated and 70% boosted and in Portugal you are seeing record cases in deaths. So the emergency now is in the continued use of the vaccine and how the vaccinated are going to fare against these newer variants. Those with natural immunity and unvaccinated tend to weather these variants very well, particularly when given early treatment options.”

‘In encology, many of the drugs we are using for COVID have shown some efficacy. The cancer data is also being unfortunately suppressed. I have talked to a number of encologists, and they said that they are seeing more rare cancers in younger people than they have ever seen before. Ryan Cole, one of our colleagues who is a pathologist. He reads biopses all day long. He knows patterns. He’s an expert. He’s read over a half a million biopses in his career, and he is seeing a pattern. He reported a 20-fold increase in endometrial cancers this year. There could be a pathiologic basis for why these vaccines would cause cancer. They are having effects on the immune system which normally controls the growth of cancer. There are novel cancers. And there are also many patients who had a relatively stable disease who then progressed to metastatic. That’s a whole nother part of this epidemic of vaccine injury.”



“The spike protein interferes with cancer suppression. There is no question about the spike protein causing an increase in the risk of cancer. The problem is what do you do about it? How can you get rid of the spike? So this is where it becomes a little bit tricky. There are people out there who are claiming there are spike protein detoxification protocols. One has to be really careful, because I don’t think there is such a thing. The spike is a protein. It’s within the cell. Probably the best way to get rid of the spike, is to help your cells get rid of the spike. We think there are a number of ways you can help your immune system degrade the spike and get rid of the spike. One of the things we recommend, and it may sound quite obtuse and absurd, is intermittent fasting.

There is an extensive body of literature showing the benefit of intermittent fasting as a way of cleansing the body of bad proteins. There is good scientific data and mechanistic data to support this. What happens when you fast, it stimulates a process of autophagy and microphagy - autophagy stimulates cells to get rid of bad or toxic proteins. That’s one of the mechanisms that you can use. Then we think a bunch of neutraceuticals would be helpful. We know that ivermectin binds the spike protein. A combination of intermittent fasting plus ivermectin plus some of these neutraceuticals may be a way of getting rid of and detoxifying the body of these spike proteins.

One has to be careful of unscrupulous people who are claiming all sorts of magical ways of getting rid of the spike. There is no question the spike is toxic. It does all sorts of really bad stuff. The best advice is not to get it in the first place. If you get COVID, you want to treat it early. Get treated early to decrease your load of spike protein which will decrease your load of long-COVID. Spike is one of the most toxic proteins we know. You want to do whatever you can not to get the spike protein. It would seem absurd that as a society we are actually injecting patients with a toxic protein. These shots are basically providing the genetic material for the body to make a toxic protein.”

‘Over 4 billion doses have been prescribed. We are aware of in the literature one case of possible liver disease. For the kidney, we are aware of no cases. Ivermectin is actually safer than Tylenol according to the WHO’s own data, your risk of developing adverse events is much higher with Tylenol than with Ivermectin. It is one of the safest medications, even when taken with high doses inappropriately.”



“There have been 300 million vaccinations in this country. Many people seem to suffer no problems with the vaccine. If someone is clinically well and has experienced no adverse symptoms from the vaccine, my guess is that they are generally free of those acute complications. If they didn’t have early complications, they probably won’t have late. We know the incidence of myocarditis is high. We don’t know the incidence of what is called sub-clinical myocarditis. If the child has no symptoms of chest pain or shortness of breath, I would think they’re generally safe to exercise. Maybe don’t engage in strenuous exercise for 2 weeks. We know the risk of sudden death is highest in the first week. If they’re feeling okay, don’t obsess about it. There are certain things you can do. Vitamin D level is very import for your immune system. Vitamin D, Quercetin, and Vitamin C to help the immune system. The most important thing is to not get vaccinated again. And if you have been vaccinated, your immune system is primed and if you get COVID, it seems to increase your risk of post-COVID syndrome or post-Vaccine syndrome. You want to make sure you get treated early as if you have COVID with the I-CARE protocol. For an adult, consider some form of intermittent fasting, it has a really good effect on getting rid of bad proteins in the body. The easiest is to miss breakfast and have your first meal at noon or 1pm. With time you can extend that period of fasting.”



“The database that got leaked from the department of defense is publicly available. I’ve studied it. You’re dealing with 300 to 900% rises in any number of different diseases including cancer, suicide, anxiety, high blood pressure, all the menstrual and reproductive issues that I mentioned before. We are not seeing good health amongst the vaccinated population.


If your doctor hasn’t heard of the evidence behind these protocols. Talk to them. Give them a link to this article, and to some of the key resources here.




Despite their credentials, the many voices who are sharing alternative narratives of what's going on are, in some cases, being smeared by mainstream media. Review each subject for yourself. I provide such a varied array of sources throughout this article to help to be able to see the same topic through many voices, articles, videos, sources, studies, links, etc. hence not needing to rely on any one source or authority. There is enough incredibly solid data alive and verifiably accurate here for any earnest seeker. If you come with a desire to disprove and only check a couple links then move towards disproving them, that’s a very very limited approach and your own right.

I appreciate certain sources, like the FLCCC for their credibility, global standing in their field, and their virtues, and hence I cite them regularly. They are very very hard for anyone to effectively smear, considering their global status and lasting innovations and contributions in their fields. It’s rare to have leading voices like theirs speaking up in a situation like this.

As you cross-reference with sources, you might be curious to do the 'Who owns the media" 15-minute experiment (at the beginning of this article) FOR YOURSELF on counter-narratives that you explore. And these new fact-checker websites deserve some serious scrutiny. How many news sources are biased and corrupted by financial interests? We do know that six media companies control more than 90% of the U.S. media landscape… and this compromised centralized voice’s largest shareholders have conflicts of interest with big pharma. We’ve established how financially corrupted the US healthcare system is, as well as the nation’s press. We’ve established quite alot already in this article, actually - and quite thoroughly as well.

This rabbit hole is going deeper, and so we proceed.


Pierre Kory and Brett Weinstein - A conversation with the Brett Weinstein Phd on ‘The Dark Horse’ Podcast who is an evolutionary biologist and former professor - and with Pierre Kory, part of the FLCCC team, the leading critical care doctors and expert clinicians in their field globally who have innovated the highly effective alternative therapies I-CARE and I-PREVENT in the face of a massive need for effective alternative treatment and early treatment.







Below, to add to the learning process, this is a very real data set in the domain of patents. You can watch this powerful 1 hour 10 minute interview and hear the testimony of Dr. David Martin and the patents he’s analyzed. He explains his credentials and establishes patent-based evidence indicative that this SARS-Cov-2 outbreak was strategically planned for years prior. Anyone can fact-check the patents he has identified. I looked up some of the patents myself to cross-check the video. His evidence is compelling and credible. The patents are all available  in the public record. What do you find upon cross-referencing the patents he points to in the video?

Click on the video or click here for the link.




Oct 18, 2019 (4 months before the pandemic breaks, and 2 months before even the first infection) in NYC at the Pierre Hotel, Event 201 was a pandemic tabletop exercise with 3.5-hours of public recordings that you can watch for yourself that simulated a global coronavirus pandemic - sponsored by Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, and the World Economic Forum. Simply research WEF founder Klaus Schwab's vision for humanity in his book, The Fourth Industrial Revolution.

Do you know how many global coronavirus simulations have been staged by any organization in recorded history? One. From my research, only this one. This SINGULAR coronavirus simulation happened 4 months before the ONLY global coronavirus pandemic. The statistical probability is incalculably low, that no one would ever bet on those odds.

But the probabilities get stranger. 4 months before the actual pandemic broke, the head of the Chinese CDC, George Gao, made the trip all the way to NYC to participate in this simulation. Aside from the U.S., he was the only other CDC official in the entire world that attended. What a coincidence!

Then 4 months later, the pandemic emerges out of Wuhan, China, either from nature, a meat market, or a lab leak from the Wuhan Institute of Virology, which was funded in part by the U.S. Fauci's NIH (BBC article) with 3.7million dollars to look into 'coronoviruses from bats' and it WAS proven, despite Faunci's initial denial, that they were performing gain-of-function research, which means studying transmission to humans. And did I mention that the NIH funds Johns Hopkins that sponsored the tabletop exercise?

I found these videos in mid-2020, and if you really watch these and research who is there, it’s (at its most innocent) a remarkably unusual phenomenon, a string of a few unprecedented coincidences.

I looked up the people at the table myself.

The host is Avril Gaines…who it turns out is the former Deputy Director of the CIA. What is a former CIA intelligence agency leader doing hosting a random simulation on public health? In this tabletop, they anticipate ‘disinformation’ and Avril Gaines’ voice gravely warns, “All of the disinformation that gets put out. It’s going to be very important to have a response to those questions.”

For the full OFFICIAL set of videos to see for yourself, click HERE. To watch the first of the videos, ‘The Highlights Reel’ watch the video below.




Visiting ‘The Real Anthony Fauci’ website, it’s currently free (simply provide an email address to access) to watch the multi-hour film (Part 1 is 1hr 50 min, Part 2 is 1hr 10 min) that exposes deeper narratives underlying from Event 201 to exploring Fauci’s history with HIV and beyond.

This film, although controversial, is a must-see film that clarifies many many layers of truth regarding the pharmaceutical and government and tech company alliances. The corrupted roles of NIH, NIAID, the FDA are laid bare for even a very critical viewer, if they follow a few threads of research. It fits with all the money-driven medicine films I linked trailers to above…in demonstrating the massive and nightmarish corruption underlying these industries.

Even after watching a few of these different documentaries, with different angles, different clips, evidence, and news sources, a clear picture can be verified of a deep subterfuge underlying this entire 2020+ chapter in history.





A Podcast where Former Pfizer VP, CSO Michael Yeadon gives a very straight shot across the bow, pulling no punches as to his view of what is actually going on and the severity of it. As the Podcast continues, you will get a sense of his education level, and on-the-ground familiarity with many of these topics.


The now well-known video podcast above titled "How to Save the World in 3 easy steps” features Brett Weinstein, evolutionary biologist and former professor, with American virologist and immunologist Dr. Robert Malone, involved in the development of the mRNA technology, and Steve Kirsch, a Silicon Valley serial entrepreneur who funded to the tune of millions early alternative treatment options for Co-vid and has now been deeply researching adverse reactions to the vaccines. It’s a bit dated now, but it still holds as a pillar and valuable resource that holds the line in these times. Together they bring many important angles to the discussion regarding the pandemic, treatments and the COVID vaccines. 


Each voice matters, more than we realize. Beware of complacency. Small actions matter. My friend Jeremy Lubman created this drum-beat piece on 66 methods that your voice can go out. It’s important to remember the power of courage. None of us are powerless. Far from it, a better world happens with one foot in front of the other.


Reach out to me and let’s connect.

This is something that we don’t do alone, or experience alone.

Our world changes relationally. Share this with friends, family, co-workers, students, teachers, community.

And with that, onwards.

~ Roger







COVID isn't going anywhere. New variants will continue to emerge for the foreseeable future for COVID and as new variants emerge, people I know are getting seriously ill. Tragically 3 days ago (from writing this), a vaccinated 48-year-old filmmaker friend of mine died in his sleep 2 weeks after recovering from COVID. His mother (who was also vaccinated) died of COVID 2 weeks earlier. It's heartbreaking. There are real lives involved, and despite the political fervor and divisiveness, we all have high-resolution choices to make.

With vaccine data where it’s at, how many boosters are you going to take? And what if you get a severe tissue-damaging infection anyways? Do you want to have something additional in your medicine cabinet that can buffer you from the CRUCIAL early-symptom danger zone of the 12-72 hours inflammation and blood clotting that can potentially cause organ damage?

If you're going to use a very effective alternate protocol like I-CARE from FLCCC’s world-renowned front-line care doctors Paul Marik and Pierre Kory, it's VITAL to have it in your medicine cabinet BEFORE you get COVID, so you can take it immediately in the first critical early-symptom period. Those first 12-24 hours are really the best window, and if you don't have anything on-hand, you won't be able to provide additional support to your system. And to be effective, this has to be done with diligence and clear attention to a full protocol.

When it comes to the I-CARE protocol, I found it after a long journey of researching the best approaches. Again, Paul Marik is the most published practicing critical care physician in the world and is a world-renowned expert in the management of sepsis. Dr. Kory has led ICU’s in multiple COVID-19 hotspots throughout the pandemic. He is considered one of the world pioneers in the use of ultrasound, treatment of septic shock patients, therapeutic hypothermia, and pioneered the use of corticosteroids in hospitals that is SOP for COVID care.


The goal is to support you and your loved ones directly in having a real-time anti-inflammatory anti-coagulant protocol that you can keep in your medicine cabinet for years to come in the event of any of you coming down with a new variant. These protocols (taken in the crucial early window in the right combination) are a proven way to help protect against the blood clotting and inflammation that can be so damaging. We can prevent tragedies! And after infection, you can continue forward with the acknowledged benefits of natural immunity with a protocol at hand in your medicine cabinet to ease and eliminate symptoms.




~3.7 billion doses have been distributed globally to-date. There are nearly 1 million doses distributed on a daily basis for human use through the world. Considering billions of doses distributed globally, its exceedingly strong safety profile is hard to argue with. It has a significantly better safety profile than Tylenol. Its discoverers were awarded the Nobel prize in 2015 for the drug’s impact on global health. It’s been on the WHO ‘Essential Medicines’ list and FDA-approved for decades. 


From FLCCC’s world-renowned front-line care doctors Paul Marik and Pierre Kory: "Ivermectin is a medication uniquely suited to treat COVID-19 given its now well-described, potent anti-viral and anti-inflammatory properties. The efficacy of ivermectin is supported by results from 64 controlled trials (more since they wrote this), 32 of them randomized, and 16 of those were double-blinded, the gold standard of research design. A summary (meta-analysis) of these trials find statistically significant reductions in transmission, time to recovery, hospitalization, and death.”

I share links below that are derived from a great variety of sources.

First, is a very real and grounded video from Pierre Kory, who (again) pioneered early treatment with corticosteroids for COVID long before hospitals took it on as regular practice, gave Senate testimony on that which then re-defined the hospital standards for COVID care, and here offers a somewhat recent powerful testimony to the Senate. His words convey the level of clinical experience and credentials of the FLCCC as well as the overwhelming clinically proven value (on the ground in ICUs) of treating patients with Ivermectin. He talks about the myriad ways in which this is one of the most effective treatments, bar none, for this ongoing COVID pandemic. To watch this is a huge opportunity to get a much deeper window into the background, value, and professional assessment of Ivermectin.


The video below ‘What is Ivermectin’ is a well-produced 11-minute data-rich documentary into the historical roots and current discussion around ivermectin. The ‘Ivermectin Documentary’ is a 1 hr and 25 min somewhat free-style assemblage of poignant news stories and interviews that demonstrate a larger story around Ivermectin. - Massive Real-time analysis of over 1500 studies with results from 39 different alternative treatments (not just Ivermectin) but also Paxlovid, - Real-time Meta-analysis of 71 different studies world-wide on the effectiveness of Ivermectin

The most up-to-date summary of the FLCCC's totality of the supportive evidence for ivermectin in COVID-19 can be found here: 

Here are the statistical results in Zimbabwe, Uttar Pradesh, India, Peru, Argentina, and Mexico. The Latest Results of Ivermectin’s Success in Treating Outbreaks of COVID-19.

Finally, in what they call a historic achievement of public health, as of September 16, 2021, the North Indian state of Uttar Pradesh reports having effectively eradicated COVID from its population of 241 million people after widely distributing ivermectin in their treatment and prevention protocols for COVID-19. 


Where to get front-line agents:

I include very in-depth research below on this to give you ample scientific backing for these treatments, their safety, and efficacy. I-CARE includes first line agents such as Ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) combined with proven effective vitamins + anti-inflammatories such as Vitamin D3 and C, Quercetin, Melatonin, Zinc, Curcumin, Honey, as well as anti-coagulants like Aspirin.  Why shouldn't you protect you and your loved ones by having additional anti-inflammatory and anti-coagulant support on hand in the moment of infection? Especially with the proven efficacy of early treatment.

You can find pharmacies in the US as well as sources from India for the front-line agents on the I-CARE protocol: Ivermectin and HCQ:

The least expensive quality source (for ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, and others) I found in India (takes 3 weeks to ship, pay 1/8 the price or less, and I’ve used them) I found were: - I purchased successfully from here my second journey getting Ivermectin. I kept running out because I have been sharing it with friends in emergencies who need it. - This is the list of 7 telemedicine doctors licensed in many states, links to their sites. This is no longer necessary to go through the whole prescription process if you purchase through the links above - or search out pharmacies on the FLCCC website link above (there are probably pharmacies in the US as well).

The first time, this is how we got our prescriptions in the United States and you can get access to prescriptions for your treatment protocols for family, friends, and loved ones. We used the first doctor Dr. Syed Haider and got our full protocol before we got COVID.



We used a nebulizer in our treatment, which was very supportive. I first heard about it from Dr. Mercola on his site. This PDF discusses the nebulizer treatment for Covid and offers a protocol created by Thomas Levy, MD, JD.  The protocol is: 10- to 15-minute nebulization sessions with 3% regular off-the-shelf hydrogen heroxide in the nebulizer. It can be undertaken roughly four times daily or until a symptomatic relief is realized.

Here is an Amazon link to the well-reviewed and very effective sturdy nebulizer we bought. It’s a great and cost-effective therapy to have on-hand going forward for all colds, flus, and COVID:



There are a vast array of long COVID cases and Post-Vaccine injuries where people have longstanding symptoms or injuries that need a supportive protocol. FLCCC offers I-RECOVER for Long-COVID as well as Post-Vaccine. These are tried and true treatments in the field.